Heading Checker

This heading tag checker tool will show you the heading tags (h1 till h6) of a specific page. The page title will be shown as well. Make sure to use unique and relevant heading tags on every page.

What is an H1 tag?

HTML heading elements are used to structure headers on your website in descending order of significance. The H1 tag is the first one on the page and tells search results what material to anticipate on the remainder of the page. To clarify what an HTML tag is, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a language used to design webpages. An HTML tag is a short bit of code that informs a web browser (such as Google) how to display the material on a page.

HTML header tags range from H1 to H6. They are ordered from most important to least important, with the size of the text decreasing as the significance increases. Your header tags structure and contextualize your material. Each headline should provide the reader an indication of what they may learn from the article text that follows.

Consider header tags in the same manner you would consider a table of contents for a semi book:

  • Your H1 presents the topic of your page in the same way that a book's title introduces the topic of a book.
  • The H2s are similar to book chapters in that they describe the primary subjects that will be covered in different portions of the article.
  • Subsequent headers, H3s through H6, function as extra subheadings inside each section, just how a book chapter might be divided into many subtopics.

Consider the primary concepts you want your readers to take away from a blog piece or landing page while writing it. That's what your header tags look like. Use these to assist you in creating your outline.

Use just one H1.

Let us debunk a popular SEO fallacy. Google has said that utilizing numerous H1s is not a concern. Using several H1s on a page, however, is not an SEO recommended practice.

Maintain Consistency in Your Header Tags

The purpose of marketing and design is to provide users with a consistent experience. It's remarkable when a site does this down to the smallest detail. Make an effort to wow your visitors by using consistent header tags on your website. If you want to utilize title case, apply it consistently across all of your pages (and vice versa if you choose sentence case).Also, keep your headlines as brief as possible. A paragraph of keyword-rich material for Google should not be written in a header tag.